Operations Team at Lambeth Palace Library
The Operations team are responsible for the a variety of services for Lambeth Palace Library, including the engagement and interaction with the general public and individuals wishing to view our collections, and also provide an internal records storage and retrieval service for NCI staff and also respond to diocesan enquiries.
The Operations team also works with the Records Management team to ensure the proper use and storage of all current records, both electronic and paper, that are used throughout the Library, particularly through the management of filing systems. We also have a role in the implementation of any new systems that may be used for storing and retrieving files that are frequently used within the Library’s operations.
For services to the National Church Institutions please see our pages on the Gateway. Access the Records Management guides here.
We can aid with issues or questions relating to our record system, CALM RM, from setting up employees with a new CALM account to helping with loaning and returning files. We are also responsible for services such as ordering items required by staff and the Library, and ensuring the finances and invoices required for the library are up to date.
The Operations teams also organise and liaise with external organisations and groups to arrange tours of the Library, archives and conservation areas, allowing for people to see what happens behind the scenes in the Library and how we operate to house the record office of the Archbishops of Canterbury and the main archive for the documentary history of the Church of England.
We also liaise with a variety of internal departments, such as the Hospitality team, where we help with the organisation of events and bookings using the Library’s meeting rooms, ensuring that the Operations team are available to help with technology and any other issues that may arise when using the meeting rooms. We are available to assist with any queries, both internally and externally, that require information about the operation of the Library.
For any additional queries please email archives@churchofengland.org