Atlas of Twelve Charts, c.1543. MS 463 f.13v-14r
Lambeth Palace Library aims to share its collections with as wide an audience as possible.
Subject to its loan conditions, Lambeth Palace Library regularly loans items from its collections for exhibition in libraries, galleries and museums in the UK and abroad. The normal loan period is three months. Before submitting a loan request, viewing of the requested object(s) at LPL is encouraged.
Requesting a loan
We must receive a formal written loan request not less than six months prior to the opening day of the exhibition.
The written request must be addressed to the Head of Lambeth Palace Library, 15 Lambeth Palace Road, Lambeth SE1 7JT and include the following information:
- Description of the object(s) requested, including class marks. If requesting a bound volume, it is essential to give the folio/page opening to be displayed.
- Title and dates of the exhibition.
- Venue details, including contact name(s), telephone, and email.
- Significance of the requested object(s) within the exhibition.
Environment and display
Exhibition premises must be safe and secure in all respects and safeguards in place before any items are borrowed. The environmental standards required are those as outlined in BS 4971:2017 (Conservation and care of archive and library collections):
- Temperature should be stable between 16-23o C.
- Relative humidity between 40-60% with fluctuations limited to +/- 5% per hour.
- Light levels measured around the case must not exceed 50 Lux, ultraviolet not exceeding 10 microwatts per lumen.
- We may request that the UKRG Facilities Report, Security and Display Case supplements are completed before loan approval.
Insurance and Indemnity
Lambeth Palace Library will determine the insurance value required in all cases. Loans will be covered by UK government indemnity. Commercial insurance will be necessary where that facility is not available, and from foreign borrowers. Proof of insurance will be required before the loan is made.
The borrower will bear the cost of suitable door-to-door insurance at a valuation of the item(s) as fixed by the Library. The borrower will also fund the manufacture of bespoke display cradles/support and cover the cost of security photography.