Event Calendar
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Arnold Hunt (University of Durham): The Forgotten Laudian? Richard Steward and the origins of Anglican high churchmanship
Richard Steward (1595-1651) played a key role in the promotion of Laudianism in the 1630s and the formation of Anglican royalism in the 1640s. During the Uxbridge negotiations in 1645, he exerted a decisive influence in persuading the king not to compromise on episcopacy, and after Charles’s execution in 1649 he continued to play an […]
Megan McNamee: Light and Labour in Late Medieval Concertina-Fold Almanacs
Online Event only Light and labour were linked by custom and law in the Middle Ages, when, for example, statutes dictated that agricultural workers were to leave their tasks while there was sufficient light to make their way home. We see the connection in medieval calendars. The average hours of daylight and darkness for each month were […]
Seb Falk: Moons, miracles, and magic: what’s in a medieval calendar?
Seb Falk will unpick the curious history of medieval calendars. From the mind-bending maths required to establish the precise length of the year and calculate the date of Easter, to their accumulation of a wealth of astronomical, astrological and devotional data, to their use as frames for stunning seasonal art, calendars are endlessly fascinating. This […]